I was born I was Black
I grew up I was Black
I'm sick I'm Black
I go out in the sun I'm Black
I die I'll be Black
But You
you were born you were pink
you grow up you are white
you get sick you are green
you go out in the sun you are red
you go out in the cold you are blue
you die you are purple
Monday, December 21, 2009
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Presidential date
President Obama took his wife out on a date and the news cannot seem to believe it. A MAN TOOK HIS WIFE TO A BROADWAY SHOW, OH MY GOD!. Get over it because it happens. Sorry it wasn't his mistress at a Howard Johnson. I wasn't gonna blog about this but the news cannot seem to let it go. Every REAL man knows you gotta take your woman out sometimes. If your the President yeah on monday it's the east wing and tuesday the west wing and the south lawn and the north lawn. But that woman is eventually gonna wanna go out and show off her dress and her man. If your woman never wants to go out it's because she doesn't want anyone to see you. I understand the complications with traffic and the cost of security. I really do, I'm from NYC. But I also understand the sh*t a man has to take from a woman (especially black women) when she has that need to do something and get away from all these strangers in her house. The President of the United States can't take his wife to a broadway play or get a hamburger without being on the news for a week. I will tell all my children that you do not want to be President "Trust Me".
I would tell them that there are people (the press) who are concerned about what you eat, what your wife wears, where your children go to school, etc....
Even Boo the first dog has his own blog. To these people interested in all this BULLSH*T, I say get a life and get laid. I'm more interested in health care, the economy and peace in the middle east. I don't give a f*ck about Michelle Obama's arms!!!
I would tell them that there are people (the press) who are concerned about what you eat, what your wife wears, where your children go to school, etc....
Even Boo the first dog has his own blog. To these people interested in all this BULLSH*T, I say get a life and get laid. I'm more interested in health care, the economy and peace in the middle east. I don't give a f*ck about Michelle Obama's arms!!!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Pro Life murderer
I've mention previously that I'm not a rocket scientist. But I'm trying to understand how you can murder a man because you're pro life. Let me repeat that, murder someone because you are pro life. I almost feel like this blog is done right there. But I also have to ask these fanatics, how boring and uninteresting is your life to when you have to spend you time examining other peoples PRIVATE lives. Don't get mad at what other people are doing because your life and relationship is falling and you're a closet homosexual. Be who you are and maybe you'll accept other peoples decisions instead of making their lives your life goal. That's why people say get a life!!! and my favorite, mind your own business!!!
The man was a
doctor and had a LEGAL practice. I want to shoot judges who convict people of marijuana possession but the law says marijuana is illegal so I don't kill judges. These are the same people who protest the Government telling them what to do and at the same time they wanna tell you what you can or cannot do. These are the people who say I can buy 400 guns but can't have an abortion. I can go out and kill Bambi and hang her head in my den but I can't have an abortion. I can kill Muslims but I can't have an abortion. My priest can molest little boys but I can't have an abortion. You need to get your own house in order before you start giving orders you ignorant motherf*ckers. And by the way you're killing and protesting the wrong people. You need to protest my house our kill me, I'm the real as*hole. Abortion doctors charge a fee, I'll kick a bitch in the stomach for free.
The man was a

Thursday, May 28, 2009
Entered Apprentice, Or First Degree Of Freemason
All matters of business in a Lodge are transacted in the third degree. If a candidate is to be initiated, the Lodge is opened in the third degree; and when, in the regular order of business, the time arrives for ceremony of initiation to take place, the Lodge is called off in the third degree, and remains so while the first degree is opened.
more to come in my next blog
Look To The East
more to come in my next blog
Look To The East
Rush's tongue twister
Rush Limbaugh said today on his show that the country is failing because President Obama is succeeding. And that he (Rush) doesn't want the country to fail so Obama has to fail for the country to succeed. WHAT THE F*CK DID YOU JUST SAY?
So you don't like the President because he's smarter than you?
I personally don't trust any politician regardless of race. I just believe we got the better of two pieces of sh*t. It's like President Obama has a lot of fiber. And not to mention that Sarah Palin scared the sh*t out of me. It would be criminal for her to have launch codes and command.
So you don't like the President because he's smarter than you?
I personally don't trust any politician regardless of race. I just believe we got the better of two pieces of sh*t. It's like President Obama has a lot of fiber. And not to mention that Sarah Palin scared the sh*t out of me. It would be criminal for her to have launch codes and command.
is waterboarding torture?
I've never been water boarded so I just have to tell you what other people say. Like you I've heard both sides of the story. So far anyone who as been subjected themselves to water boarding took only about 5 seconds before they admitted it was torture. But the most convincing statement was by Jesse Ventura on Countdown with Keith Olbermann on MNBC. Jesse Ventura who is the former Governor of Minnesota, former WWF wrestler and former Navy Seal says he was water boarded as part of his seal training. He said it is torture and can cause death. He said when they did it during training there was always a doctor present due to the danger. He even went so far as to say that Michael Phelps couldn't take water boarding. He also like Keith Olbermann took Sean Hannity's challenge to be water boarded. Like I said I can't speak from experience and due to the controversy this has caused I hope I never gain that experience. But if I had to choose someone to believe about this topic it would have to be Jesse Ventura. I challenge anyone to call him a liar to his face without armed security.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
the flag ship of Pro. X
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