Wednesday, April 29, 2009

waterboard Hannity

Sean Hannity does not think waterboarding is torture. He even went so far as to say he would volunteer to be waterboarded for support of our troops. After this comment on his show, many professionals have volunteered their services to waterboard him and prove that it is torture. Hannity still has not replied. Even so as most professionals have explained, being waterboarded under control conditions and you are aware that's its coming and at a set time limit is not the same as when you are dragged out of you cell with a bag over your head and have no idea of whats going on then suddenly you feel like your drowning. If Hannity does not think that is torture, someone should break into his house in the middle of the night and waterboard him in his own bath tube for extended periods and then see what he says.


  1. Wow, what the hell is waterboarding? I gotta look that up on youtube right now.. That's crazy tho..

  2. you take a wet cloth and put it in someones mouth and just keep pouring water on their face. They feel like they're drowning but they're not and they can't breath. Can cause things like a heart attack.
