Thursday, May 28, 2009

Entered Apprentice, Or First Degree Of Freemason

All matters of business in a Lodge are transacted in the third degree. If a candidate is to be initiated, the Lodge is opened in the third degree; and when, in the regular order of business, the time arrives for ceremony of initiation to take place, the Lodge is called off in the third degree, and remains so while the first degree is opened.

more to come in my next blog

Look To The East

Rush's tongue twister

Rush Limbaugh said today on his show that the country is failing because President Obama is succeeding. And that he (Rush) doesn't want the country to fail so Obama has to fail for the country to succeed. WHAT THE F*CK DID YOU JUST SAY?
So you don't like the President because he's smarter than you?
I personally don't trust any politician regardless of race. I just believe we got the better of two pieces of sh*t. It's like President Obama has a lot of fiber. And not to mention that Sarah Palin scared the sh*t out of me. It would be criminal for her to have launch codes and command.

is waterboarding torture?

I've never been water boarded so I just have to tell you what other people say. Like you I've heard both sides of the story. So far anyone who as been subjected themselves to water boarding took only about 5 seconds before they admitted it was torture. But the most convincing statement was by Jesse Ventura on Countdown with Keith Olbermann on MNBC. Jesse Ventura who is the former Governor of Minnesota, former WWF wrestler and former Navy Seal says he was water boarded as part of his seal training. He said it is torture and can cause death. He said when they did it during training there was always a doctor present due to the danger. He even went so far as to say that Michael Phelps couldn't take water boarding. He also like Keith Olbermann took Sean Hannity's challenge to be water boarded. Like I said I can't speak from experience and due to the controversy this has caused I hope I never gain that experience. But if I had to choose someone to believe about this topic it would have to be Jesse Ventura. I challenge anyone to call him a liar to his face without armed security.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

the flag ship of Pro. X

Space, the last call. These are the voyages of the Starship Alcohol.Who's mission is to seek out new beer and new liquor. To boldly drink what no man has drunk before.

My child is special

I'm tired of every mother telling me how cute, smart and special their child is. I feel the same way about my dog. Every time a woman has a child they can not stop telling stories that I've heard 100 times from 100 different mothers. It almost seems as if they all read the same speech. If every child is special, that defeats the definition of the word. If you're like me you get countless pictures of children people send you. Now, I just put all the pictures in one photo album. By now I don't even know who's who. Every time someone looks at that album and asks me who's she? I say I don't know but she's special. Who's he? I don't know but he's special. I have rookie cards of all the future world leaders. None of them are gonna be drug dealers or strippers cause I buy my weed from his father and I met her mother at Hooters.

Sunday, May 24, 2009


Socialism as become a big debate these days. This is one blog I'm gonna ask people to comment on. I'm interested in hearing your opinion. Socialism - based on the belief that all, while contributing to the good of the community, are equally entitled to the care and protection which the community can provide. Straight from my Webster's dictionary. Now that you know the definition of socialism, how do you feel about that?
I want to hear your opinion, is it good or is it bad?

Saturday, May 23, 2009

cable tax

As some of you might know, Direct TV is be forced by some states to raise satellite taxes. What's interesting about this is a friend and I just had a discussion about cable prices. Neither one of us can understand the cost when cable channels have commercials (sponsors that pay for advertisement). These sponsors are how local channels make money without any fee from us. Cable and satellite services charge us a ridiculous fee and still get paid from sponsors. This is a no lose scenario for the business and a complete loss for us. Yeah we get to watch shows that are not broadcast on local channels for a fee and at the same time we're paying to watch commercials that companies paid a fee to broadcast. Now they're gonna tell us it's gonna cost more money to watch commercials. How about you charge the sponsors more and lower my cost. I'm sure all these credit and insurance companies I see everyday can afford it. I don't want Ensurance, Geico or AARP. I don't want free credit report dot com and I never wanna see that black guy from the Allstate commercials ever again!!!!

Credit and Guns?

President Obama just recently signed a bill to help stop credit card companies from jerking us all the time. Now the strange part is, in order to get this bill passed through legislation without delay he had to include an completely unrelated provision. Now all the gun crazy people are aloud to carry loaded firearms into national parks and wildlife refuges. Are you kidding me. So you're telling me the only way to stop credit card companies from ripping me off is to let gun crazy redneck hillbillies walk around the park with a loaded gun!!!!
I'm not the smartest man in the world but I think I can pretty much figure out what's gonna happen if you let hunters walk around a wild life refuge with loaded guns. Maybe it's just me, but I'm a little concerned about children playing in a national park with Billy Joe Bob 5 yards away carry a loaded .45 with Vietnam flashbacks "my son's name is not Charlie".
I can not understand what this provision has to do with credit card companies. What's next, I will have a fuel efficient car but I can only drink Budweiser beer?

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Cheney Mania

Dick Cheney, a man who has spent the last eight years at an undisclosed location. Now it feels like he lives right next door to me. Republicans really amaze me supporting this man. They believe if Cheney says torture works it's gotta be true regardless of the fact that every interrogation expect disagrees and says that torture is unreliable. But if Cheney says it works, it gotta work. This is the same guy who told us Iraq had WMD, the same guy who said they had no intel on the 9/11 attack, the same guy who told us Iraq would love us for liberating them, the same guy who told us Iraq had ties to Bin Laden, the same guy who did nothing but profit from war, the same guy who disagrees with the Constitution when ever he pleases, the same guy who hasn't said anything in eight years until it's time for the history books to describe him. This man has done nothing but lie and mislead us. BUT NOW HE'S TELLING THE TRUTH!!!. What the F*CK is wrong with you people. He is nothing more than that crazy old white man we have all become accustomed too. You know that old man that always screams "Hey, you kids get off my lawn". And lives in that house down the block that everyone thinks is haunted. The man shoots his own friend and the face and says "Oops, you shouldn't have been standing there". Anyone who either believes or defends this man deserves to be waterboarded themselves.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Obama's honorary

President Obama is getting small protests at the Catholic colleges he speaks at for the students graduation because he is pro choice. Abortion was legal before he became president. Now we have these hand full of people who want to protest giving him a honorary law degree. Everyday on the news they discuss whether or not he should get one. Not once have I heard someone say what I'm thinking. Maybe Obama doesn't even want it. We've all gotten gifts we didn't want but excepted them out of respect. Now lets look at this. Some people don't want him to get an honorary law degree from their school. Meanwhile Obama has a REAL Harvard law degree sitting at home. That's like giving me a plastic plant when I already have a greenhouse in my backyard. I don't want that SH*T. Anyone ever think of that?
Maybe the Catholics are so pro life so their priest will have more children to molest!!!!!

Friday, May 15, 2009

I might be gay

One of our brave soldiers was discharged from the military for being GAY. Dan Chow an Asian American who speaks fluid Arabic was kicked out for being GAY. How dare this fagot join our armed forces, and put his life in danger to protect American lives and preserve freedom. This is an outrage. See how stupid that sounds!!!!
This is the only profession in the United States that is aloud to discriminate like that. This man speaks fluid Arabic. No one reading this can say they can do that. So torture is ok but homosexuality is bad. Lets say you torture someone and he does decide to talk, you need Dan to tell you what he's saying. Torture doesn't teach people to speak English. I'm sure he's not trying to order a pizza. I'd rather have this intelligent homo protecting me and my country than some idiot redneck hillbilly who has 200 guns at home, chewing tobacco in his mouth and can barely speak English. I'd rather hang out with Dan anytime rather than these idiots who support his discharge. So I must be gay too.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Micahel Phelps returns

Michael Phelps is now in North Carolina for his next race and apologizes for smoking weed. No one should have to apologize for smoking weed and winning all those gold medals. Anyone who smokes weed knows that some things you do better when you're high, obviously swimming is one of his things. This man swims like a fish when he's high and just might sink like a rock sober. I want to know what people will say if he just starts losing all his races without weed. Because I know what it's like when you don't have your medicine, just don't function the same and can't understand why people are bothering you. Me personally, I just start punching stupid people in the face without my medication. So to Michael Phelps, don't apologize. Weed is not a performance enhancing drug, if anything, technically it should make you slower. But not for you my dawgz, you get nice and just glide through the water. Keep smoking and JUST DON'T TAKE ANYMORE MORE PICTURES HOLDING A BONG!!!!!!!
That was stupid, if you didn't take that picture you'd be high right now breaking your own records. So to my man Mike - Roll it up, light it up, and smoke it.....

Monday, May 11, 2009

G.O.P. - R.A.P.

Bush is stupid like your homeboy Rush
You support them both and mad at us
Michael Steele can't represent
We beat you already with a black President
You like Guilliani, you might be impressed
You wanna think twice cause he likes to wear a dress
Bill O'Riely and Sean Hannity
I challenge you both to interview me
None of your boys and no security
Never do that cause you're too pu*sy
Get with Cheney, the little old dick
Gonna get mad cuase you're plans are sh*t
You're really really mad and wanna cause drama
You're teenage daughter voted for Obama
She likes the dick but not Cheney
It's gotta be black like the one on me

Dick has a small Dick

Dick Cheney constantly comes on television and admits that he ordered torture of prisoners (extreme interrogation techniques). The ex vice president admitted to these actions with no fear of consequences. And so far, no one has held him accountable but the media. If you told police, yeah that's weed and I smoked some of it. You're going to jail. Do not pass go, do not collect $200 dollars, straight to jail. But this man (Dick Cheney) can say he broke every law of the international Geneva Convention with confidence. The fact that he says these things without consequences says something about Dick. The balls on this old white man to come out openly and say yeah I did it and there is nothing you can do about it shows this old white man has big balls with a little dick, and a very big as*hole. If I ever get arrested again I'm a tell that white cop that "Dick Cheney is my uncle, I can break any law I want to BITCH". Yeah I'm still going to jail, but I'm still gonna say it for the record. BITCH ASS COP!!!!!!!!!!
I"m Dick Cheney's nephew WHAT!!!!!!!!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

state rape

I mentioned Texas previously and here we go again. When a woman gets raped in Texas and files a report that woman gets charged for a rape kit. Yeah, these victimized women have to pay for a rape kit for the investigation. Some women were unable to pay and therefore their credit got messed up. They've had the creditors call them that we all recognize. So in a nut shell, women who get raped in Texas are charged for a rape kit for the investigation by the state who these victims pay taxes to pay the state so the state can pay the police to prevent these things from happening and investigate them. That sounds like rape to me.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

strange politics

Today Nuke Gingrich, Rev. Al Sharpton, and Michael Bloomberg met at the white house with President Obama. This has got to be the strangest group of people having a meeting in the white house in my life time. You got Nuke Gingrich, a crazy old white republican man who hates Democrats. You got Rev. Al Sharpton who is only useful if a black man gets beat up by police. You got Michael Bloomberg, a republican billionaire media mogul who bought the mayor ship of NYC. And now you got Barack Obama the first black president of the United States. So let me get this straight, Gingrich + Sharpton + Bloomberg + President Obama = EQUAL EDUCATION?
And I thought I was good at math, maybe my education was limited.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

police piracy

Police in a small town in Texas are pulling over Black and Hispanic people on a certain highway and arresting them for things such as driving 2 miles over the speed limit. The police take their money and jewelry and then let them go without any charges. In some cases the police threatened to take these victims children to child services if they do not comply. Two separate victims had a few thousand dollars on them to purchase a car. It has been estimated that this town has collected about two million dollars in the past couple of years. When people complained they got no where because the district attorney is the ring leader. They traced some checks in which some of these funds had been distributed. A donation to a baptist church, popcorn machine, parties, etc..... ( the district attorney signed all the checks )
Even a ten thousand dollar check was made out to one the officers who committed this crime. So far they are investigating three officers and the district attorney but you know it goes beyond that when you're talking about two million dollars. Previously I told you why I never been to Mexico. This now applies to Texas for the same reason. I've been beaten up by police before myself but I'd rather take an ass whipping than get robbed for $8500 any day. I don't even think I can lose anymore respect for police, I'm tapped out.

fear of stupidity

As I pay attention, I notice everyone is afraid of things like the swine flu and terrorism. I'm not afraid of these things. I'm afraid of the stupid people allowed to walk the streets freely. I'm afraid of people like the lady who killed the man on his motorcycle because she was painting her nails while driving. I'm scared of the stupid people who think god will protect from terrorist attacks while the idiots who attack us think they have god on their side. I'm scared of people like the guy who crashed the bus he was driving with disabled people on board while he was texting on his phone. I'm scared of rednecks who teach their 9yr old child how to shoot a gun. I'm scared of silverspoon rich kids who sell drugs and steal. I'm scared of people who ask me if I'm Spanish. I'm scared of people who really believed LordRoc and I were really brothers. I'm scared of stupidity. I know from experience, stupidity is very unpredictable and can put you in the strangest of situations. If you meet someone real stupid just cover your mouth and do not breath the same air. Take a few steps back and run. When you get home watch Frasier and if you don't understand anything, you've been infected. You then must immediately watch the DSC, HIST, HINT, SCI, and the news within 24hrs.

Monday, May 4, 2009

the Chicago way

There have been 35 murders of students in Chicago so far this school year. The latest was a 15yr old boy. He was beaten with a bat, hit by a car, set on fire and shot in the head. This one 15yr old even stopped going to school out of fear before this happened. I have met alot of gang members in my time, but never heard of this kind of extreme murder of a 15yr old. Like I said in a previous blog, these kind of people need to come see me. These are just punks who only feel strong when they're in a group, that's why they think it's necessary to join a gang. If you were a real man you would handle your business by yourself. I guess that's just the Chicago way.

unemployment stats

There are currently close to 7 million people collecting unemployment with the number still rising. That means they are at least 15 million unemployed people not collecting unemployment. Out of that 15 million more than 10 million are more than qualified for the jobs they apply for. Out of that 10 million at least 8 million smoke weed since they don't have a job. Out of that 8 million 7 million fail the drug test when they do apply for a job. The moral of the story is, if an employer wants a qualified employee that will help their company grow stop drug testing. Simple math!!!!

plastic surgery, you're hired

It has been reported that due to the economy middle aged women are getting more plastic surgery to look younger to get jobs because they have to compete with younger women. Now I can understand if you were a stripper or have a similar occupation, but these are business women who wear dress suits everyday. What does that tell you about the state of this country when a perverted old man will hire a young cute woman over a mature older woman. Me personally, I'd rather hire the older mature, experienced woman who just wants to provide for her family. She'll show up on time, be committed to the job and go straight home after work to take care of her children and family. Or I could hire the young cute inexperienced woman who will always be late, don't wanna work and call in sick so she can go to the club. Like I said that's just me.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Talkin' Palin

Sarah Palin is still talking on television. She must not have any real friends cause a real friend would have told her enough is enough, shut up. You have to acknowledge the fact that when people saw Tina Faye on SNL acting stupid and they thought it was really you, you just might need to shut up. That's like someone confusing you with Forrest Gump and you still go back on television and say "My mama said".
Just go kill some moose and make your moose burgers, soooo mmmm goood!!!!!!

the color of law

Two white teenagers were just acquitted of murder of a 25yr old Mexican man during a fight. Everyone knows it was a hate crime but that's the color of law. You got O.J. Simpson now so what's the problem. Oh yeah, all the jurors were white. Guess that's what happens when you have a jury of your peers.
I'M BLACK, COME SEE ME - WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
when I pop the trunk....

reason 2 why I've never went to Mexico

The second reason why I've never been to Mexico
Story two - A friend of mines told me while in Mexico a cop ran up on him and asked him for money. My friend didn't have any money so the cop put my friend in the backseat of the police car and drove him to an ATM and made him get money out of the ATM and then left my friend at the ATM. My friend had no idea where he was or how to get back to the hotel. Just lost in Mexico with no money.

reason 1 why I've never went to Mexico

The first story told to me by a friend who went to Mexico.
Story one - A friend of mines went to Mexico and told me a cop ran up on him and asked him for his money. Before you say what the f*ck, my friend described the cop as not a regular police officer we're used too, but a Mexican wearing a military outfit, carrying a rifle who did not speak English. Naturally my friend was nervous and gave the cop his money. Less than 2 minutes later another cop ran up on him and tried the same thing. He told the second cop "your man just got me for all my dough, he just left. Go up the block and you might catch him". Till this day my friend is convinced the first cop called the second cop and told him to do the same thing again.

trouble bubble

The Dallas Cowboys training bubble as they call it collapsed. This is a stadium facility built out of something like hot air balloon material with steel beams, staircases and everything. They build a giant stadium for training made from this material and call it a bubble and didn't expect it to pop. We all know the story of the three little pigs, the Dallas Cowboys built their house out of straw.

My 8yr old wife

An 8yr girl in Saudi Arabia is trying to get a divorce from her 50yr husband. I thought Jasmine from Aladdin and Pocohanas was young but damn. How many of you wanna be allies with a country that will allow a 50yr old man to marry an 8yr old girl?
Oh yeah, George Bush and the GOP. Maybe it's just me but I don't care how much money and oil you have. If you let a 50yr old man marry an 8yr old girl we just can't be peoples right now. When you get your sh*t together then you can talk to one of my associates cause I'm still not f*cking with you.

FEMA is bugging

FEMA made a coloring book for kids with planes crashing into the world trade center and the towers on fire. I could say something like what color would you use for the innocent people jumping out of windows. But I'm just gonna say "ARE YOU F*KING CRAZY"

Friday, May 1, 2009

Government hussle

The Government borrows money from the federal reserve with interest for things like war and then they hire their friends as contractors to build all the weapons and get kickbacks in exchange. Then the Government borrows money from China with interest to pay back the federal reserve and then make us pay federal taxes to pay off all the interest.

pigs on deathrow

The government of Egypt is now going to private farms and killing all the farm pigs out of fear of H1N1. Naturally the people are mad and the government just says the meant will be frozen and returned back to you. I never been to Egypt but the citizens don't even believe the government (sounds like the United States). I'm not a farmer but I don't care who you are or what kind of badge you have, you're not coming to my house to catch and kill any of my animals. Like old yellow, that's my dog, if it has to be done I'm gonna do it.
Maybe the Egyptian government needs to read my blog. I SAID NOT TO PANIC!!!!!
Stop killing pigs and just vogue.

vitamin c

A senior citizen was caught in Italy with 13lbs of cocaine hidden inside of oranges. Most people just use the orange peels to throw off the dogs scent, so you gotta give this old man some credit. He said f*ck that I'm gonna use the entire orange. How they caught him I don't know. Next time he should use my idea and hide them in coconuts, maybe that'll work.

my son can be president

Ever since Obama became President every black woman who has a son has told me that their son can become President. NO HE CAN'T.
People forget Obama is half white and was raised by his white grandparents in Hawaii. Your ghetto ass lives in Brooklyn and work at the supermarket and your baby daddy sells drugs. Your son is not going to Harvard, he's going to jail. The closest to Obama he might get is becoming Muslim in prison and changing his name to Barack. You black women need to stop with this fantasy and buy my baby can read and turn the TV from BET to SCI and then maybe that little nigglet might become something.

television influence

If television shows like the shield and movies like training day came out when I was a teenager I would have became a cop and broken the law as a cop. Now that I'm older and these shows and movies come out I can't become a cop cause now I already have a criminal record as a civilian. That's f*cked up!!!!

mountain of life

Think about life. Life is like a mountain and everyone is trying to get to the top first no matter the cost or consequences. What everyone doesn't know is that there is no top. So no matter how hard they try and how many people they betray their goal will never be accomplished. So most people spend their entire lives climbing endlessly. With the fear of not being the first to the top, people betray each other in all kinds of ways. When someone on the mountain is beneath you begins to catch up you try to make them slip or fall to maintain or lengthen your lead. If you see someone above you on the mountain your emotional human greed begins to take over and makes you want to try to pull them down to or below your level. Everyone is struggling to climb this mountain individually. Some people start at the bottom and some start higher up just like life. Just like life, the ones who start higher up enjoy looking down on those below them. All this struggle and competition amongst each other, when all that is needed is cooperation and for everyone to work together. If we all work together we will climb the mountain together at a faster rate and much easier. If someone slips you pull them up and if you fall they can help you. This way we can all climb higher together.