Sunday, May 17, 2009

Obama's honorary

President Obama is getting small protests at the Catholic colleges he speaks at for the students graduation because he is pro choice. Abortion was legal before he became president. Now we have these hand full of people who want to protest giving him a honorary law degree. Everyday on the news they discuss whether or not he should get one. Not once have I heard someone say what I'm thinking. Maybe Obama doesn't even want it. We've all gotten gifts we didn't want but excepted them out of respect. Now lets look at this. Some people don't want him to get an honorary law degree from their school. Meanwhile Obama has a REAL Harvard law degree sitting at home. That's like giving me a plastic plant when I already have a greenhouse in my backyard. I don't want that SH*T. Anyone ever think of that?
Maybe the Catholics are so pro life so their priest will have more children to molest!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. My understanding is that ASU denied him a honorary lifetime achievement degree because they did not think he had achieved enough to qualify. It was my opinion that a one term jr. Senator did not achieve enough to be President of the United States but that’s another debate. Notre Dame I think is the catholic school you are referring to and they reluctantly did give him the honorary degree on May 17th.

    Also in regards to the Catholic priest molestation thing I have to say that it's only a small percentage of priest that commit these crimes yet they get such large press coverage because the leftist media is biased against Catholicism. You are always going to get a percentage of bad apples in a bunch but by those bad apples you can’t judge the whole. Teachers by contrast molest kids much more often than priests. One teacher this week is holding an event called "Hot for teacher" night. She was jailed for molesting a sixth grader and served her sentence, re-established her relationship with the boy who is now an adult and is hosting an event for other sickos who have similar twisted minds. Don’t take my word for it though. Go here : Http://
