Friday, May 1, 2009

mountain of life

Think about life. Life is like a mountain and everyone is trying to get to the top first no matter the cost or consequences. What everyone doesn't know is that there is no top. So no matter how hard they try and how many people they betray their goal will never be accomplished. So most people spend their entire lives climbing endlessly. With the fear of not being the first to the top, people betray each other in all kinds of ways. When someone on the mountain is beneath you begins to catch up you try to make them slip or fall to maintain or lengthen your lead. If you see someone above you on the mountain your emotional human greed begins to take over and makes you want to try to pull them down to or below your level. Everyone is struggling to climb this mountain individually. Some people start at the bottom and some start higher up just like life. Just like life, the ones who start higher up enjoy looking down on those below them. All this struggle and competition amongst each other, when all that is needed is cooperation and for everyone to work together. If we all work together we will climb the mountain together at a faster rate and much easier. If someone slips you pull them up and if you fall they can help you. This way we can all climb higher together.


  1. Sounds like an excerpt from Imagine this Think about that... Which is in my myspace photos for all to view the complete mag..

  2. Sound to me like socialism which is nice in theory but does not work in real life. It would be awesome if everyone pooled resources and helped everyone else succeed but life doesn’t work that way for a reason. Darwin was right when he said that in nature its, "survival of the fittest by natural selection." And as much as people want to believe they are somehow above the animal kingdom the truth is that we are just another species placed here for the purpose of breaking down organic matter and reproduction. Everything else we do in life is a side track to the ultimate mission of genetic survival. Therefore we horde resources, try to make our "nest" or as we call it "house"/"car" as attractive as possible in order to attract a mate and rear children who have the most advantages to survive and pass your genes along further. If your offspring lacks advantages they might fail to reproduce, your genetic line will end and we are hardwired to do everything in our power to try to prevent this from happening, hence human competition and greed. Resources are not infinite so for one person to have advantages some other person will need to suffer without them. Life is a balancing act like that.
    Fairness is a concept humans created. Nature (or if you prefer it be reference to as divinity) never stated anything would ever be fair and equitable for everyone.

  3. Berndt is the only person I know who can shoot my qoutes down and still make complete sense lol. Thanks for the comment
