Thursday, May 21, 2009

Cheney Mania

Dick Cheney, a man who has spent the last eight years at an undisclosed location. Now it feels like he lives right next door to me. Republicans really amaze me supporting this man. They believe if Cheney says torture works it's gotta be true regardless of the fact that every interrogation expect disagrees and says that torture is unreliable. But if Cheney says it works, it gotta work. This is the same guy who told us Iraq had WMD, the same guy who said they had no intel on the 9/11 attack, the same guy who told us Iraq would love us for liberating them, the same guy who told us Iraq had ties to Bin Laden, the same guy who did nothing but profit from war, the same guy who disagrees with the Constitution when ever he pleases, the same guy who hasn't said anything in eight years until it's time for the history books to describe him. This man has done nothing but lie and mislead us. BUT NOW HE'S TELLING THE TRUTH!!!. What the F*CK is wrong with you people. He is nothing more than that crazy old white man we have all become accustomed too. You know that old man that always screams "Hey, you kids get off my lawn". And lives in that house down the block that everyone thinks is haunted. The man shoots his own friend and the face and says "Oops, you shouldn't have been standing there". Anyone who either believes or defends this man deserves to be waterboarded themselves.

1 comment:

  1. What exactly is your definition of torture? However, the real question should be what is acceptable when American lives are on the line. It is true that often people will say just about anything so that the "torture" will stop but if they are detained and that information is going to be verified those people under "torture" will be much more forthcoming with the truth since the will fear that the repercussions of lying will result in more intense torture in the future.
    By all standards the so-called US torture interrogation tactics were mild to say the least. The reason people like John McCain want no tactics used that might even vaguely be construed as torture is because they are afraid it will be used against American POWs in the future by other nations. However, the fact is that America refraining from using torture tactics has never kept our servicemen safe from this treatment in the past has it? I didn’t see any mercy for a non-combatant Nick Burg or US 101 Airborne soldiers Kristian Menchaca or Thomas Tucker.
    No one subjected to these "torture" tactics by the US were ever in any real physical danger. Water boarding and humiliation tactics are all mind games. There are some Americans who can tell you what torture really is. Americans like Senator John McCain who was detained by the Viet-Kong or just Google the torture tactic used by Saddam Hussein or Pol Pot. These show the clear line between mind games and true torture. At least those who were exposed to "torture" by Americans will not walk with a hobble for the rest of their lives and have all the digits on both hands.
    This "torture" BTW exposed dirty bomber Jose Padilla who would have blown up whole city blocks if he had not been discovered using these tactics. Not to sound corny but what is more important the needs of the many or the needs of the few? If you could have found out about the 9/11 attacks before they happened via water boarding, humiliation or sleep deprivation tactics wouldn’t it have been worth it to save 3000 American lives? Not to mention that when we talk about US "torture” we are not talking about thumbscrews or the rack here. If Jose Padilla had been successful people would have been asking instead why the government failed to protect them and why they failed to extract information from people in custody who knew of the plot.

    Lastly, what about Nancy Pelosi? She signed off on the use of all of these tactics. Congress was briefed and agreed to this tactics and *now* there is a problem? Guess that’s why Obama chose not to do a criminal investigation because the finger would land on as many democrats as Bush administration officials.
